Program Overview

Cal student and OLLI member working on design challenge

At OLLI @Berkeley, we offer many places and ways for our members to learn and contribute outside of the classroom, including one-time speaker events and Town Halls (typically five or more are held each term), intergenerational learning exchanges, research opportunities with UC colleagues, and workshops focused on vital aging. 

Speaker Series & Town Halls

Throughout the year, we showcase leading figures in their fields discussing some of the most pressing issues of our time, from voting rights (and attempts to suppress those rights) to issues related to the climate crisis, racial justice and the politics of identity. Many of these events are free and open to the public. View the archive and learn more.

Intergenerational Learning

Our Words Over Time intergenerational dialogues promote age-spanning, perspective-shifting conversations between OLLI @Berkeley members and Cal undergraduates who gather to discuss topics of importance to all. Through respectful and open exchanges, they work together to find a path forward. 

Vital Aging 

Our Vital Aging (VA) Forum meets monthly to explore timely issues related to aging. VA is for OLLI @Berkeley members only.
